Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Friday, July 18, 2008

How we spend our days

I've been on maternity leave for a little over six weeks now. This is the longest I've gone since I was 16 without working...though, of course, staying home with a baby certainly a type of work. This time has gone painfully slow and terribly fast. Some days I don't get out of my pajamas until Mr. Monkey gets home. On those days, I usually watch the clock, waiting for him to arrive so I can hand him the baby and get a few moments alone. Those are days when Miles, for reasons known only to himself, won't nap. He'll look exhausted and will gritch and fuss but won't be nursed or swayed or shushed to sleep. He doesn't cry, but just won't sleep. These days sometimes make me feel incompetent and helpless. These days make me think going back to work won't be so bad. I know what I'm doing at work.

Yesterday Miles napped for three hours in a row. I don't know why. I spent my afternoon holding him and breathing him in. We sat on the couch, his head on my chest, and I couldn't stop staring at him. His luscious lower lip, his starfish hand, his curly hair. He is delicious to me. As I watched him yesterday I ached at the thought of going back to work and someone else, someone who can't possibly love him as much as I do, getting to watch him sleep.

I wish I lived in Canada or Sweden or any one of the other developed countries in the world that have decent maternity leave policies.


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