Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Friday, March 10, 2006

Hey...this thing still works!


So, basically, I suck. I've been a bad, negligent blogger monkey lately. Mostly it is due to the new job and the fact that I am now have actual work to do during the day instead of just blogging and reading celebrity gossip on-line.

I am going to try to get back into the blogging habit though...mostly because I am self centered and want to once again experience the giddy thrill of seeing my words looking all official like on a website.

What am I going to write about? Damned if I know, but I do have to attend traffic school tomorrow morning (I have to be there at 7 freaking 30 in the morning. Boo! Hiss!) so I'm almost positive I can find something nice and snarky to say about that. After that, who knows. Tune in and see.


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