Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Monday, February 05, 2007

Stupid Things

In the last two days I have done and/or discovered I've done the following stupid things:

1. Lost one of my swim flippers. How do you lose one flipper? I can see losing take them out, use them, forget to put them back in the swim bag...but how do I lose one? Anyone seen a blue and black Speedo flipper roaming around town on its own?

2. Lost a $20 bill. I clearly remembered put it in an envelope (with the intention of labeling said envelope "vacation money") but then I could not find the envelope anywhere, Mr. Monkey couldn't find it anywhere. I thought for sure it was gone...until I opened an envelope that I was sending to a Tastefully Simple customer. She had requested a catalog and so I stuffed one in the first envelope I found. Oops. Unfortunately for her she won't be getting the special promotional "Request a catalog, get $20" envelope.

3. "Lost" my sports bra. I had my poor husband tearing through the dirty laundry pile this morning looking for the danged thing so I could go jogging tonight. Turns out it was in my gym bag, exactly where it is supposed to be. Oops.

4. Vented, several times, that my previous employer had not sent me my flipping W-2 forms. I was so assed up about this because I really just wanted to get my taxes done. I finally decided that enough was enough and I was going to call the payroll office... then I found the W-2 in my folder labeled "2006 Taxes". It was the first W-2 I got this year. I just forgot that I had it.

Is this some sort of preview to my elderly years? If it is, I feel sorry for Mr. Monkey already.


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