Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Monday, January 01, 2007

Nose, meet grindstone

Sigh. So, back to work tomorrow. Now, don't get me wrong....I like my job. Its a good job and I'm glad to have it but after an all too brief holiday break I'm not quite ready to go back.

I had such grand intentions for this break. I was going to hike and shop and organize (oh how I love a good organize) and spend fun time with the husband and with friends. I was also going to finish my syllabus for a class I'm teaching this spring (yup, I'm teaching. How scary is that?). I was going to be a whirl wind of productivity and good holiday cheer. Instead, I got a head cold and spent most of the week riding the couch, being clingy, needy and whiny. I went as far as to force Mr. Monkey to bring me juice and keep me company in the living room while I watched many, many episodes of A Baby Story on TLC. He's a very patient man, that Mr. Monkey.

I finally started feeling better by the end of the week, so I got a little fun time with friends (Kelly and I saw "The Queen"...two thumbs up) and even managed to do just enough shopping to find a new pair of jeans but I still feel cheated. I want more time. I don't want to have to get up and get going while it is still dark out.

I should go be an adult and put myself to bed early. Boo.


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