Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Es la verdad

The mister and I have signed up for Spanish 101 starting in about two weeks. I'm looking forward to the prospect of trying to learn the language, mostly because I feel that my lack of Spanish knowledge is really holding me back from something important, something valuable.

I'm speaking, of course, of the fine art form known as the telenovela. Since we got rid of the cable, I find myself watching shows like "Dame Chocolate" and "Yo Amo Juan Querendon" and though I understand the general themes (attractive people in tight clothing doing shocking, romantic and/or dramatic things to each other) I feel that I must be missing subtle nuances.

I must also confess that I have fantasy that Mr. Monkey and I will pretend not to know each other and then one day I'll stand up in class (dressed in a skin tight yellow miniskirt and a blouse that demonstrates the full grandeur of my heaving bosoms) and announce, in Spanish, that I am pregnant and that he (insert dramatic music and my pointed finger at Mr. Monkey) is the father. The class will look shocked, someone will gasp and for a brief moment I will be the star on my very own telenovela.

I just have to learn the Spanish first.


  • Hee hee.

    I missed not working with you today! Guess I'll just have to look forward to Saturday.

    By Blogger kel, at 8:31 PM  

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