Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Friday, October 21, 2005

Caffeinated Lotion Monkey

So, tonight is the big night. The night that I once again enter the glamorous world of seasonal retail employment. Oh the rapture. Oh the anticipation.

Yes, yours truly will, after two days of what will no doubt be rigorous training (I imagine they, like the Navy Seals, will have to break me down in order to build me back up stronger and faster than before) will slip on a cheerful red apron and prepare to whore out a variety of scented lotions and soaps to frantic Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus shoppers. In exchange for my willingness to smile and not mutter things like "18 years of education and I am working at the mall...where did it all go wrong?" too loudly, I will be rewarded with an insubstantial hourly wage and a 30% discount. Everyone on my Christmas list had best start preparing themselves for a gift that somehow involves scented lotion, soap, candles or some combination of the three.

Actually, while I'm sure that I will grumble from time to time (I love a good grumble) about working retail and being surrounded by 17 year old coworkers, I really don't mind it that much. I am good at being polite to strangers and I don't mind being forced to spend hours experiencing artificial commercial Christmas joy, so the mall is the perfect place for second job.It will feel good and virtuous and noble to have some extra money to throw at those bastards at Citibank and to tuck into savings so that Michael and I can eventually be like the cool kids we know and own a house of our own. I feel guilty about having credit card debt (and yes, it is mine not "ours" as it stems from my impoverished college years and my slightly less impoverished but more prone to impulse shopping single years) and I think I will derive some Protestant work ethic kind of joy from seeing the balance go lower and lower.

My major source of concern with this new gig is that the store where I will be working is literally steps away from major temptation. I will be walking by and seeing and smelling Cinnabon and Mrs. Fields and Coffee Exchange every time I go to work and I worry about my ability to resist the siren song of overpriced and overprocessed food court goodies. On the plus side, my gym is right next door to the mall, so maybe, hopefully I'll be able to still work out on a regular basis. I know I need to have a plan for how I am going to manage my time and my food choices, but I'm not quite sure what that will be yet. I'll get back to you.

I've decided that, from time to time, I'm going to post some goals or items from my to-do list here in the hope the publicizing what I want/need to do will actually make it more likely that I will do those things.

1. Finish updates/corrections to thesis by Wednesday: I have to meet with my advisor on Wednesday and I better not go empty handed.

2. Work out at least once this weekend: Nothing major, just 30 minutes of something to get the blood pumping.

3. Finish a craft project that needs finishing by the end of the weekend. Try not to injure myself with the glue gun or stapler. Do not sniff the glue stick or markers.



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