Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Dear Mosquito population of greater Tucson,

You win. I give up. I don't know what exactly it is that you want from me (other than my blood obviously) but what ever it can have it. You have broken my spirit and sapped me of the will to fight. I am too busy scratching myself to resist any longer. My husband thinks I have West Nile virus and my legs are covered in scabs and bites. It is not a pretty picture and I am willing to agree to any terms to get some relief.

I would like to point out, however, that I am not the only warm blooded mammal in this house. Now that you have my unconditional surrender, perhaps you'd like a change of pace and might like to feast on someone else's blood for a change...just a thought.

Yours truly,

Caffeinated itchy monkey.


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