Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Monday, October 29, 2007

June 4, 2008

We officially have an estimated arrival date for baby monkey. June 4th, 2008. Mr. Monkey and I got to see the little blob for the first time today--it has a head and a heartbeat and everything looks good so far.

I got a little teary at the heartbeat. That was pretty cool.

It all seems a bit more official now.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The top three loves of my life (current edition)

1. Mr. Monkey

2. Our couch. It waits so patiently for me all day while I'm at work and doesn't seem to mind that I fall asleep on it every night lately. Sweet, sweet orange couch.

3. Tootsie rolls. Mmm. Can't get enough of them today. I don't want the little midgee size, no sir. I want a nice substantial chew until my teeth hurt size. Yum.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Begging to fail

I'm teaching two classes this that lasts 16 weeks and one that ended last week after 8 weeks.

The 16 week class is pretty good: bright, engaged, mostly on top of stuff.

The 8 week class? Well, let's just say grading their finals was an exercise in frustration. They bombed. No one got higher than a B and half that class flunked it out right. It was not that difficult an exam but it sure turned into a bloodbath.

So, today I get an email from one of the 12 people who earned a big, shiny F in the class, wondering why he failed. I emailed him back that he failed because he missed 3 out of 8 classes, turned in 1 out 7 homework assignments and got a 20% on the final. He wasn't even close to a D.

His response? "is ther any room to negotiate this thing?"

Um, no. Nope. No. I am not a salesman. I do not negotiate.

Hee. I'm a mean teacher monkey.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shocking pregnancy revelation

Ok, I promise that I won’t turn this blog into an all baby, all the time kind of thing, but please allow me to share with you all a ground breaking insight I’ve recently had regarding pregnancy.

Are you ready for it?

You better be, because this is really going to blow your mind.

Morning sickness sucks.

No, I’m not making this up. It really, really sucks.

I am, of course, delighted to find myself with a bun in the oven (where did that phrase come from?) but I am currently getting my ass kicked by little Cletus the fetus. I’ve lost six pounds since I found out I was pregnant. Clearly this is the most productive diet plan I’ve ever been on. I am totally, completely and thoroughly uninterested in food. I don’t even want candy or caffeine, which is no small development.

Thankfully Mr. Monkey is taking excellent care of his sweaty, queasy, extremely emotional, and tired wife. Yay for Mr. Monkey!

The official blog announcement

I'm pregnant!

Here's what we know for now:

Due date: Sometime in May, probably toward the end

First doctor's appointment: Two weeks from now

Are we hoping for a girl or a boy: just want it to be healthy blah blah blah, kind of hoping for a girl.

Current mood: elated with a healthy side of queasy