Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Last 10 Songs on My iPod

God bless the shuffle function on the really helps me understand the depths of my crappy taste in music. Behold, the last 10 songs played:

10. Baby Got Back. Nope, not the Sir-Mix-A-Lot version. Ever heard Baby Got Back sung ballad style by a white computer nerd? No? Then you, my friend, are missing out. Check out Jonathan Coulton's version as soon as possible.
9. Seasons of Love from the Rent soundtrack. Okay, actually I don't really think this is that embarrassing. Moving on.
8. America by Neil Diamond. Hee.
7. Why Can't This Be Love by Van Halen. Actually, this song is pretty awesome. It makes me want to put my hair in a side pony tail and dance in acid washed jeans.
6. Not Ready to Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks. Love it. Nothing to be ashamed of here.
5. So Yesterday by Hillary Duff. Oh, there's that sense of shame I was looking for. I have no excuse for this one. This song contains the lyric "If the light is off, than it isn't on" and yet I paid 99 cents to put it on my iPod. Yes, I am 28 years old. Why do you ask?
4. Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copeland. Not sure how this got on there. I pressed the next button after about a minute. I listed to the whole Hillary Duff song, but Copeland I fast forward through. I'm going to music hell, aren't I?
3. Money Maker by Ludacris. Heh. I will shake what my momma gave me. I'll shake it indeed.
2. 40 by U2. I love Bono and the boys. Love, love, love. That's a good sign, right? My taste can't be that bad if I like U2, right? Right?
1. A New Day Has Come by, oh the embarrassment, Celine Dion. Did I listen to the entire thing? Oh yes, yes indeedy. Did I maybe sing along, maybe just a little? Um, yeah I did.

Okay, now that I've shared my shame I'm off to go figure out which New Kids song to add to the iPod. Its a toss up between Right Stuff, I'll Be Loving You Forever and Step by Step. Thankfully I have the NKOTB Greatest Hits CD so maybe I can add more than one.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lost week

Oh Lordy...was I ever sick last stomach clenches just thinking about it.

It all started at about 2am last week Saturday night. I was innocently sleeping, minding my own business, when I started dreaming that I was queasy. I woke up to discover that, ta da!, my dreams were coming true (lucky me) and I was quite queasy in real life. I alerted Mr. Monkey who promptly, let it be said that there are benefits to being married to someone with childern, hopped out of bed and got the bowl (does every family have a designated puking recpticale?) and tended to me for the rest of the night. The rest of the night included a stint sleeping on the cool, healing tiles of the bathroom floor, *a lot* of throwing up, and some unfortunate incidents of what we in the Robinson house of euphemism call "the bad poops". It was awful for all involved.

I ended up being sick all week which is so weird for me. I went to work once and I've never missed that much work in a row before. I didn't accomplish anything, at all. I didn't do anything at home, I didn't do anything at work, nada. I have a slightly over active Protestant work ethic so this is a little unsettling for me. I feel like I lost a week and I have nothing to show for it, other than the fact that I weigh 7 pounds less than I did a week ago.

I'm better now and looking forward to going back to work next week and am really looking forward to my regular Monday afternoon walk with Miss Kelly. I really need to process my feelings on the whole Britney shaving her head thing.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Stupid Things

In the last two days I have done and/or discovered I've done the following stupid things:

1. Lost one of my swim flippers. How do you lose one flipper? I can see losing take them out, use them, forget to put them back in the swim bag...but how do I lose one? Anyone seen a blue and black Speedo flipper roaming around town on its own?

2. Lost a $20 bill. I clearly remembered put it in an envelope (with the intention of labeling said envelope "vacation money") but then I could not find the envelope anywhere, Mr. Monkey couldn't find it anywhere. I thought for sure it was gone...until I opened an envelope that I was sending to a Tastefully Simple customer. She had requested a catalog and so I stuffed one in the first envelope I found. Oops. Unfortunately for her she won't be getting the special promotional "Request a catalog, get $20" envelope.

3. "Lost" my sports bra. I had my poor husband tearing through the dirty laundry pile this morning looking for the danged thing so I could go jogging tonight. Turns out it was in my gym bag, exactly where it is supposed to be. Oops.

4. Vented, several times, that my previous employer had not sent me my flipping W-2 forms. I was so assed up about this because I really just wanted to get my taxes done. I finally decided that enough was enough and I was going to call the payroll office... then I found the W-2 in my folder labeled "2006 Taxes". It was the first W-2 I got this year. I just forgot that I had it.

Is this some sort of preview to my elderly years? If it is, I feel sorry for Mr. Monkey already.