Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Life without cable

One of the many changes in the new Monkey house is that we no longer have cable. We had it at the old house because it was free but now the budget is a little tighter, so unless we get another lazy cable guy who doesn't put in the filter because he doesn't want to have to climb the pole to do it, we'll be without the good cable for the foreseeable future.

Now, we are not with out television at all, of course. We still get the basic channels (including C-Span and QVC, both of which offer unintentional comedy programming from time to time) but nothing past channel 20. No TLC, no HGTV, no Bravo, no Turner Classic Movies (a bigger issue for the mister than for me, I must admit) and none of the other trashy channels that I don't want to admit to watching *cough* E! and VHI *cough*

I'm sad to admit it, but I miss the cable. I miss the many, many shows about buying or selling or renovating houses. I miss watching both Flip This House and Flip That House. I miss, in advance, the next season of Project Runway. I don't want to be a person who misses TV, but I do.

I got home at around 8pm last night and discovered that 8pm on a Wednesday night on regular channels is a television wasteland. According To Jim? Won't watch it. American Idol? Never seen it, don't want to change that. Cold Case or Criminal Minds or CSI or whatever dead person/detective show on CBS? Nope. My heart belongs to Law and Order and I don't stray.

I know that there are better ways to spend my time. I know I haven't written anything, like at all, since January. I haven't painted in months. I'm averaging reading one book a month, which is a sad state of affairs. I haven't seen the inside of my gym in months. I know I can fill the time that not having cable frees up...I just want to do those things and be able to watch Buy Me or House Hunters too.


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