Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Thursday, December 01, 2005

30 in 30

Something kind of weird happened to me the other night. I was at the gym with Kelly is the weird part...I kind of enjoyed the workout. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm always enjoy seeing and chatting with Kelly but I very rarely enjoy the workout parts of our workout. But the other night we got a little competitive and pushed ourselves a little more and I was actually sore the next day. And I liked it. I think I have been going to the gym and mostly half assing it, which is largely why the whole working out thing feels so pointless most of the time. It is pointless if I don't actually try all that hard. I'm sure 30 minutes of half way trying are better than nothing, but I wonder how much better, really.

So, I've decided to challenge myself. I feel like I am in a slump right now and I think I need to give myself a kick in the ass (ooh, second use of ass in one entry. Saucy.). I have decided to aim for 30 workouts in 30 days. I usually average, honestly, 2-3 workouts a week, so this will be a big jump but I think it can be done, though I think I need to define workout in a way that doesn't require gym attendance, as that won't always be possible. Thus, an activity will count as a workout if it meets one of the following criteria:

1. 30 or more minutes on a cardio machine at the gym at level 8 or higher
2. 20 minutes of brisk activity like walking, jogging, swimming, biking PLUS 2 sets of strength building exercises like lunges, squats, sit-ups, etc.
3. A yoga or pilates video
4. Any work out video, actually
5. Two 15 minute bouts of brisk activity in a day

The challenge starts today. My plan is to post on the blog each workout so that we can all share the fun.

The plan for the day? Hit the gym before going to my shift at the mall tonight.


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