Caffeinated Sugar Monkey

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dark days for the cheapo candy fiend

I am a sugar whore. I am. As anyone who has ever met me or walked past me or even glanced at this little blog can tell you, I love me the sweets. I am also quite the cheapskate these days, which is why I have been compelled to tell everyone who has complimented the cute new skirt I am wearing today that it was a $12 clearance find at Old Navy. I feel that the cheapness actually adds to the cuteness. I feel that getting something on clearance is a small victory, a little way of sticking it to the man.

So, I am quite obviously going a little crazy these days as I try to resist the siren song of half- priced Easter candy. I *love* Cadbury Easter candy. LOVE it. I love the Mini-eggs, I love the Cream Eggs. I get a little thrill after Valentines Day because I know it is coming. In the past I would usually allow myself a couple of Cream Eggs and a couple of bags of Mini-Eggs in March and pre-Easter April and then I would wait. I’d wait until the Monday morning after Easter and then hit a Target or Walgreen’s and thoroughly stock up on the half-price treats. I felt virtuous in my self restraint and my good fiscal sense. I would always promise myself that I would ration them out but invariably I’d lose all semblance of self control and would live the next few weeks in a pleasantly numb sugar coma. The best I ever did was the year when my friend Sarah bought me 65 Cream Eggs and I managed to make them last until the end of May (yes, that works out to an average of about 2 eggs a day. Cadbury Eggs are a fantastic breakfast food and are delightful as a frozen bedtime treat). It is, when I consider this, a small miracle that I have any teeth at all that don’t have cavities.

The thing is that I am getting older and maybe wiser and I get that my candy lust is bad thing. I know that, given that I don’t, can’t or won’t exercise any self restraint in the face of an open bag of Cadburys, it is best to not even have it around. I know that not spending money at all is even better than buying something on sale. I know that I am working hard at the working out and that unrestrained sugar orgies basically negate the treadmill time. But still. I want and obsess about it.

When I was a little monkey, I went to a birthday party and ate too much pizza. When the birthday cake came out, I was sick to my stomach and couldn’t eat any, even though the pieces were served in individual baseball cap bowls and I wanted one so badly. To this day, that is really the only thing I remember about that party. I don’t remember who it was for or how old I was but I remember not eating that cake and regretting it, even though I probably would have thrown up if I had made myself eat it. The candy lust feels a bit like that.
As I read this over, I realize that if I changed the word “candy” to “alcohol” people who loved me would be staging an intervention. That can’t be good.


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